oh wow..
I really like it. Great tune, keep doing this
oh wow..
I really like it. Great tune, keep doing this
Will do :D
Good shit here
It's hard to mix so many instruments at once, you did a good job. The kick is kind of clicky, and the guitars and kind of mid-cut but it fits in the mix when the orchestra kicks in so there you go. The vocals sound a little low but the saturation on it sounds good.
Well written and some blazin riffs man. Orchestra sounds are pretty cool too \m/
still love this
this was the first metal song i had ever heard on the AP. Inspired me beyond belief, awesome dude...
I really like the tone
You need to record two tracks and pan them though, would sound so bomb with that tone. Cool track man
5.00 / 5.00 (unchanged)
Thanks man! That means a lot coming from you.
another generic title...another generic song
Seriously, when light conquers darkness? The main melody sounds like any Cascada song I've ever heard. At least add vocals and make it unique.
lol dude, go google the word generic, and stick to heavy metal, because you obviously know nothing about techno lmao
generic dance....
with stock samples and fl studio presets. Did you even put effort into this?
none of the sounds you hear are fl presets ya dumbass, do you know what your talking about? :)
Not a big fan of AA either, but this song sounds pretty awesome. Great guitar tone and mix here dude, you still using the RP250 for tone? If you are you kicked my ass at making tones lol. I've been trying to use impulses but I'm still having trouble finding a balanced guitar tone.
Thanks, lol. Yup, still rockin the RP250 man. Still messing with tones.
Good stuff. Is that a real drummer, I've heard those drumming techniques somewhere...hahaha =P
i enjoy this.
4.29 / 5.00 (+ 0.0094)
Thanks man!
No, it's just a drum machine. I wish I had a real drummer!
new gen = faggots
Kids these days man, can't respect any music. Think their opinion is what the rules of the world are or some shit.
I like the intro, really fucking mellow and cool. Kicks in, loving the mixing. Kickin my speakers ass. The hi hats are a little piercing though, maybe chop some highs out. And the snare is a tad thin. Kick is nioce. But fuck dude, some chunky riffs.
And what the jesus fuck, did someone just classify this as nu-metal? Get the fuck out, you could not tell the difference between peanut butter and jelly you ignortant shit.
Nah not that big of deal but people need to educate themselves before posting.
anyway send me some love messages when you finish this album
4.21 / 5.00 (+ 0.032) \m/
Agreed on all points, my friend. Coming soon. :)
Diggin the guitar tone, it's fucking sweet man! The bass is also awesome, all fits well in the mix.
What I didn't like was the cymbals/snare. The snare is just punching through, hurtin my ears man! And the cymbals have a lot of high end hiss.
Other than that man, its rockin. \m/
I will crush you.
Age 33, Male
My basement
Joined on 6/19/08