I rather
dislike SS as well. I enjoy death metal, but they're stuff...just no melody. Mine as well through some random guitar crunches and bass kicks together (which is probably what they do).
I rather
dislike SS as well. I enjoy death metal, but they're stuff...just no melody. Mine as well through some random guitar crunches and bass kicks together (which is probably what they do).
Your shit is good dude! Suicide silence is definitely not death metal, deathcore dude.
Woah there
Heavy as tits. I agree with sono, your tone keeps sounding better. The kick drums fucking blast. The chord progression was a little strange to me though, not really my style. All about preference though.
keep it metal \m/
4.05 / 5.00 (+ 0.023)
Thanks man, yeah, you are right. Glad you dig it over all. Thanks for the review and vote!\m/
Challenge, huh?
You had some pretty funky rhythms in there, it'll be tough to compete with. Awesome kick drum, chunky tone. Your mixing always sounds great.
anyway, I'll be uploading a 1 note track sometime.
3.72 / 5.00 (+ 0.017)
Sweet man! PM me when you get it uploaded!
Thanks for the review and votE!
Sounds badass
You definitely got the concept of this. I actually did write this song when I was listening to Destroy Everything, haha.
Quality is awesome. Thanks for this \m/
No worries man, I had a ball doing it. My chest hurt for a while, after forcing all that air out, but it was a good pain.
Metal! \m/
Brutal, crazy, complex. PBomb's work and your voice mixes perfectly. 1:11 on is truly amazing. That clean part was totally unexpected, but fit and sounded fucking awesome. The arctic combustion part was heavy as tits.
\m/ great work
4.29 / 5.00 (+ 0.054)
cheers man... yeah the clean part actually adds a lot to the song (and it didn't hurt my head as much to write which was a bonus) and it comes straight from the heart...
I think that arctic combustion part is just about my fave part, though... l like tits too... especially heavy ones.
thanks for the listen man... you rock!
I like the bassy feel of this
Kick sounds nice, and I noticed the BooBass. I use the same thing in FL lol.
This sounds more like a mix of techno and metal more than classical rock.
cool anyway
thanks, did you forget to vote? or did you vote a 2? what ever, thanks for the review!
hey this is cool
sounds really good. you should get some drums for this. hell, maybe I'll do them. Lots of potential though. cool stuff
3.51 / 5.00 (+ 0.082)
haha thanks
i do plan on re-recording it. mixing it better, "perfecting" guitars, changing it to a better quality (hopefully by just fucking with it), adding vocals (maybe), trying out a drum program (unless its too hard... then I guess i'll send it too you heh heh), and getting a friend of mine to do bass... becoming a full on edge song, =D
tell me you didnt love that intro riff lol
oh yeah, thanks for the review/vote
hahaha wow
I'm downloading this shit. this was awesome
3.81 / 5.00 (+ 0.024)
Dude yes! Its great that people actually like my terrible excuse for music :P
I am yet to hear something I don't like from you, what programs are you using for drums, and how are you recording guitar?
It's a Line 6 75 watt (lol, i know) Mic'd into my comoputer. Program is FL Studio using EZ Drummer, and Thanks dude!
omg wow
this shit is awesome. I just checked out one of your other loops, you're stuff is brutal man. Keep it metal \m/
haha Hell yeah dude! Its nice to see people who appreciate metal instead of "LOL CHECK IT I HAEV DOUBLEBASS" metal!
I will crush you.
Age 33, Male
My basement
Joined on 6/19/08